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Part-time PROGRAM

The part time Program, for young and beginning athletes, consists of one day each weekend of coaching and training. The only qualifications are that the athlete be 7-18 years old, able to ride the lifts alone and able to ski the whole mountain (excluding the mogul runs).


Those in the part-time program train either Saturday or Sunday 9am to 3pm. Athletes can participate in “Fun Races” held at local ski areas. Training begins after Christmas.

Our goals are to improve the skiing ability of these young athletes while allowing them to define their own level of competitiveness, and find the fun in exploring the mountain .


Fun Race awards are presented for finishers from 1st through 10th place.


Part time Program Dues:
• $400 for first athlete*
• $200 for each additional child in the same family*

$50 work credit will be given for paents who completed 

2 parent volunteer days during the previous season

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